Electronic Cigarette Refill NAD+ (80 ml)

Japon – the ultimate cigarette for raising saturation in the blood, to increase attention and concentration and to quit smoking.

Japon A unique and special electronic cigarette, a formula that enriches oxygen in the blood, stimulates and improves mood, memory and thinking.

In general, cigarette smoking is defined as a medical problem due to the potential to cause many diseases. Smoking is the main cause of serious illness and death. Such as; Heart disease, cancer, respiratory injuries and more.

Unlike tobacco cigarettes, Japon is a nicotine-free and tasteless electronic cigarette, compact, providing a quantity of vapor that simulates the smoke of a tobacco cigarette.

Unlike various electronic cigarettes, the use of Japon – the ultimate cigarette – has no health effects and dangers as other electronic cigarettes. Both because of the ingredients in the cigarette liquids and because of the meticulous dosage in them.

Therefore, if you smoke, it is recommended to purchase the Japon and make meticulous and efficient use of it.

Japon’s unique filler liquid can be purchased separately for all types of electronic cigarettes.

ישנם סוגים שונים של נוזלי אידוי ג’אפון:

  • נוזל אידוי רגיל, ללא טעם.
  • נוזל אידוי מנטה הפותח את דרכי הנשימה ומסייע להרגשה טובה.
  • נוזל אידוי המסייע להקלה בכאבים.
